Tuesday, May 24, 2011

5/24 Walmart Shopping Trip $12.07

Black Flag Fly Swatter .98
Used $1 from RP 5/15
= +.02 moneymaker

Puffs .98
(price matched CVS)
Used .50 from P&G mailer
= .48

Q-tips 375ct 1.99
(price matched CVS)
Used .30 from RP 5/22
= 1.60

Lindt Chocolate 1.50
(price matched Walgreens)
Used $1 from All You May '11
= .50

Brach's Candy 1.00
(price matched Walgreens)
Used .50 from All You May '11
= .50

Combos .99 each
(price matched Walgreens)
Used $1/2 from RP 5/22
= .98 for two

Little Swimmers Diapers 4.99
(price matched Walgreens)
Used $2 MFQ (mailer from Tom Thumb)
= $2.99

Juicy Juice 2.28
Used Free wyb Little Swimmers from All You June '11

(2) Kotex .94 each
Used $1.50 printable (gone now)
(or use $1.50/2 SS 5/15)
= .38 for two

Nature Made Vitamin D 3.97
Used $3 from All You March or Feb '11
= .97

Rimmel Eyeliner 3.12
= 1.12

(2) Rimmel 3.97 each
Used (2) $3 printable (gone now)
= 1.94 for two

tax .63
= $12.07

Okay, sooo.... I went to the beloved Walmart to test out the price-matching/coupon stacking possibilities. In the past I called, and was told that they would not price match the item (from CVS/Walgreens ad) after the ECBs or Register Rewards were deducted (as the printed advertised price in their ad) because Walmart does not have a "rewards program." They would only price match the regular price listed in the ad. I decided to try it out anyway, and it worked (see HERE).

Now, I was kind of feeling a little guilty about it, because ...well... they did it! And I thought maybe their cashiers just didn't know their own policy. But, their ad match guarantee isn't really clear about it either. However, it does state that they will match "any competitors advertised price." To me, if CVS has nail polish for $4.99, minus $4 ECB, giving it a sale price of .99--then .99 is the advertised price. Otherwise I would be buying it at the regular price, and what's the point of that?? Agree?

The other thing I wanted to clarify today was if you can stack a competitors store coupon (i.e. Target) with a manufacturer coupon for one item. Well, let me tell you, "Bob" put a stop to that right quick! Which messed up a good 50% of my transaction. I had to void several items (because it wasn't a good deal to me if I didn't have both coupons!). Not only that, I was price-matching some of them items in my basket from Walgreens, and I didn't actually have the ad in-hand. Nor did he. And he wasn't about to assist me in finding one. (And I just now discovered I was overcharged $4.67 + tax because he didn't void 2 items, and rang one up at the wrong price at that!)

So, I completed a partial transaction price-matching CVS and not using any other store coupons, just manufacturer coupons. I then headed to customer service in search of a Walgreens ad. (FYI-Their policy says you don't have to have the ad with you.) The cashier called for a manager, "Lori," who would surely have an ad. I proposed the stacking question while I waited. She says no, the Target coupon would have to specify an item price... like get a t-shirt for $3...not $3 off a t-shirt. The girl beside her confirms. We discuss and some manager looking guy with a tie shows up. We pick his brain. He has no idea. (Insert blank stare here). Lori shows up and says, "Yes, we take all coupons." YAY ME! : ) Another lonely cashier wanders into the mix, and says no they don't. The lady behind me yells, "Can someone please take my one little thing..." and walks to the next register. (aka Coupon Hater). The manager-tie looking guy keeps looking at my Target coupon and then at me as if I am to give him the answer. A little more discussion and Lori and I seem to be on the same page, so it's looking legit. Then the first customer service girl says, "but can they price match AND use a coupon??" Lori says, "Yes. I was told we do EVERYTHING."

Ding! Ding! Ding! Winner!!!

Now, to go get a refund... And maybe pick up those things I didn't get because of Bob!


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