Today is the last day of this sale, so I'm not going take the time to list the items & coupons. I will say... this was one of the worst shopping trips I've been on. Meaning, I really didn't look at the ad before I went to the store--my mistake. I relied solely on the coupon blog matchups I follow, which sometimes vary from region to region.
Some of the items I had on my list were marked a different price, or not marked at all, so I didn't get them. They were out of several items I was planning to get for super cheap or free-- Sierra Mist, Carmex, Carefree (as if I need any more!) and tuna which was on sale (got a raincheck). And a few of the things listed as part of the Buy 10 Save $5 promo, were not, in fact, part of the promo.
And to top it off, I shared my "tentative" list with a new couponer, and sent her to the store solo leaving her to fend for herself, before I had personally confirmed that all the deals actually worked. As if "couponing" isn't already overwhelming enough to a newbie... minus the above mentioned disaster. What a crummy friend/coupon blogger! : ( I can only hope it didn't go as badly as my trip, and that she'll give it another chance!
The good news is, I still managed to save 64% with relatively little planning on my part. I got a $1.50 catalina and a $3 catalina for next time. And I came home with a tub of ice cream to make it all better. : )
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