Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 End of Year Report

"The Year of the Coupon" has come to a close, and what fun it was! I had a great time sharing my coupon crack addiction, and truely enjoyed working the deals and talking the deals with all of you. And THANK YOU to those of you who suffered through all of the dreaded "coupon talk" at work, on Facebook, or where ever else it came up. You'll be happy to know I do plan to cut back in 2011, sparing you your ear & Facebook homepage, although I'm sure it won't be the last you'll hear from me. As with any addiction/recovery, you know it takes time. ; )

Okay, here it is... the final official tally of all my coupon work!
Drum roll please.....

2010      Coupon Savings   "Total Savings"
Jan         $133                    $491
Feb        $332                    $658
March    $417                    $890
April       $304                    $707
May       $352                    $835
June       $183                    $475
July        $268                    $622
Aug        $231                    $552
Sept       $321                    $640
Oct        $30                      $99
Nov       $169                    $475
Dec       $119                     $361
             $2859!                 $6805!

Wowzers! That's $2859 worth of FREE food, toys/games, healthy & beauty supplies, toiletries, etc! Of course, my hubby is already calculating in his head and says..."About $ at $10/hr that about 300 hours a year. Was it worth it?" My answer, "YES!"

And here's my rationale... $10/hr may not sound so great to some, but $10/hr is actually way more than minimum wage. : ) Sounds good already. Haha! Sounds even better when you look at it this way...$3000 "working" 100 hours a year, actually comes out to $30/hr. Eh...? Eh...? Did that perk your interest?? : )

It all depends on how you look at it, and how much time you actually spend on couponing. Honestly, 300 hours a year is about 5-6hrs a week, and truthfully I probably spend that much time clipping, sorting, reading the blogs, and organizing myself each week. If you add in shopping time that would definately increase the "working" time, but I'm not going to count that because I would have had to shop anyway.

Considering that I didn't "need" a second job, nor was I looking for one, $10/hr is a nice little bonus. Wouldn't you take $10/hr from someone if they just wanted to give it to you? If it was FREE? : ) I could have sat on the couch for 5-6 hours a week getting paid nothing. Instead, I got paid for doing a hobby that I enjoyed.

Now it's my hubby's turn ; )

Happy New Year!!


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